Author Guidelines

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Washington Lawyer is the award-winning official publication of the District of Columbia Bar. 作为会员福利,每年出版六次, Washington Lawyer reaches more than 101,000 Bar members and other legal professionals in Washington, D.C., and beyond. The magazine features cutting-edge content on law and practice, provides insight into local and international legal developments, 深入分析实体法, 实用工具和资源, and deep dives into issues of interest to the broader readership. Washington Lawyer 传达国防部的重要进展.C. Bar and supports the organization’s core purpose to enhance access to justice, 完善法律体系, 并赋予澳博app追求卓越的权力. 1976年首次出版, Washington Lawyer 可在WWW上获得印刷版和电子版

Washington Lawyer 澳博appD提交意见书.C. Bar members, journalists, and others in the legal profession who wish to share their expertise on law-related topics. Articles must be original, previously unpublished, and exclusive to the D.C. Bar.

The Bar will not publish articles that resort to personal attacks against members of the bar or the judiciary; are overly self-promotional or one-sided; are written for the purpose of airing personal issues or grievances about a particular person, office, or organization; or run counter to the Bar’s stated mission, purpose, or values.

The Bar reserves the right to edit all materials for accuracy, length, clarity, organization, and style. Acceptance of submissions is at the discretion of the editors and/or the Washington Lawyer Advisory Board.

电子邮件内容推销和文章提交到 [email protected]. 所有提交的文件必须使用Microsoft Word,行距为一倍.

Use the following guidelines for submitting content for consideration in one of the following four sections of Washington Lawyer:

I. Features

Features are longform articles that provide a comprehensive discussion of a particular topic, person, or event. Feature stories often include multiple interviews with subject matter experts, 背景研究, 以及其他支持数据.

Washington Lawyer feature stories run from 1,500 to 2,500 words and come in different forms and styles such as:

  • 有用的文章
  • Q&As
  • Profile stories
  • Personal essays
  • Practice how-tos

Articles should demonstrate originality of topic or angle, 主题的重要性, thorough analysis, 讨论的清晰性, practicality, 和逻辑组织. Authors writing about a case or matter in which they are involved must disclose that information in the article.

Washington Lawyer strongly discourages the use of endnotes in feature stories. Cases, studies, reports, surveys, and other background materials should be referenced in the body of the article.

Contributors to the Features section need not be lawyers or members of the D.C. Bar, although preference is given to authors who are Bar members or legal professionals.

II. Taking the Stand

“出庭作证” Washington Lawyer的意见区-是D.C. 有良好信誉的澳博app to address issues of importance to them and that would be relevant to others. 通常在900到2之间,000 words, “Taking the Stand” submissions must meet the following editorial criteria for acceptance:

  • Accuracy
  • 原创性和清晰度
  • Well-articulated argument drawn from the author’s own expertise or experience
  • Relevance of the topic to the membership and to the wider legal community
  • 可证实的支持事实

Endnotes, while allowed, should be used sparingly and carefully to provide additional context. 尾注应该简明扼要.

III. Your Voice

给编辑的信 Washington Lawyer is open to D.C. 有良好信誉的澳博app. Letters should be less than 300 words and include the writer’s name, city/state, 澳博app. Priority is given to letters written in response to material previously published in Washington Lawyer.

Washington Lawyer encourages a robust and respectful discussion of issues from diverse voices. Letters that resort to personal attacks or use abusive or impolite language will not be published. Letters are subject to fact checking and editing for accuracy, clarity, and space.

IV. Worth Reading

This section comprises reviews about recently published books relevant to the law. 典型的评论是1,150 words long, provides readers an overall sense of the subject matter of the book, 并提供了一个公正的批评的工作.

Contributors to the Worth Reading section need not be lawyers or members of the D.C. Bar, although preference is given to authors who are Bar members or legal professionals.

Copyright Notice
刊登于 Washington Lawyer D的性质是什么.C. Bar, which may promote and publish the same content through its various communication channels, including email, e-newsletters, social media, 以及澳博app协会的网站.

作者发表于 Washington Lawyer 有永久的权利吗, royalty-free, worldwide license to use their work for their own personal use and to promote their employer, law firm, or law practice. This use includes permission to make and distribute print or digital copies of the work to friends, colleagues, clients, or on an employer or law firm website or social media without further notice to or approval from the D.C. Bar, provided that the copy contains the following notice: “This article first appeared in the [insert issue date] of Washington Lawyer. Reprinted with permission from the District of Columbia Bar.”

在另一出版物上重新发表他们的作品, authors must first seek prior written approval from the D.C. Bar, as long as the subsequent publication is more than 90 days after the original publication date. 转载请求应发送至 [email protected].
